communication changes during team development

Communication Changes During Team Development

There have been several articles over the years about the five stages of team development. Still, I haven’t read a single one of them that actually describes how communication changes between stages. This is different from Theory X and Y which we have already discussed. In this post, I dive deeper into that communication subject. It should give people a new perspective, especially on international teams or for people learning business English.

Forming: This is like the awkward first date of team development. Everyone is trying to be on their best behavior, so communication is polite and cautious. Conversations are like, “Hey, I’m Steve, and I’m really good at spreadsheets!” or “I’m Sarah, and I love cats!” People are hesitant to voice their opinions or concerns, so it’s all about small talk and getting to know each other. It’s like a group of strangers trying to figure out if they have anything in common.

Storming: This is when things start to get real. Communication becomes more direct and assertive, and people start to express their opinions more freely. Conversations might sound like, “I think we should do it this way!,” “No, that’s a terrible idea!,” or even “I will kick your ass!” There’s a lot of back-and-forth, and conflict resolution becomes a hot topic. It’s like a heated debate where everyone is trying to make their point. A group of friends trying to decide where to go for dinner, but with a lot more tension.

Norming: Ah, the calm after the storm. Communication becomes more collaborative and constructive as the team resolves its conflicts. People start to trust each other more, and conversations are like, “Hey, I have an idea!” or “Let’s work together to solve this problem.” There’s a focus on problem-solving and decision-making, and everyone is on the same page. It’s like a group of friends who have finally agreed on a movie to watch and are now excited to settle in for a cozy night.

Performing: This is when the magic happens. Communication becomes highly efficient and focused on getting things done. Conversations are like, “Let’s do this!” or “Great job, team!” There’s a lot of coordination and teamwork, and people are confident in their abilities. It’s like a well-oiled machine where everyone knows their role. They are now a group of friends who have been playing a game together for years and can anticipate each other’s moves.

Adjourning: This is like the end of summer camp. Communication becomes more reflective and nostalgic as the team disbands. Conversations are like, “I’m going to miss you guys!” or “Thanks for all the memories!” There’s a focus on wrapping up loose ends and saying goodbye. It’s like a bittersweet farewell where everyone is sad to leave but excited for the future. You probably remember times like this if you ever had seasonal friends for some reason. Just another group of buddies who have had an amazing summer together and are now saying goodbye until next year.

This will hopefully help you in understanding and recognizing how communication changes during team development. Remember, these stages are not always linear, and teams may move back and forth between them, especially between Storming and Norming, but you can not make it to a new stage without going through the previous stage. Stages can not be skipped. The key is to communicate openly and honestly, and to always keep a sense of humor!

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